Shall Issue Concealed Weapon Permits in Minnesota
June 16th, 2006
Another letter showing how Front Sight is positively changing the image of gun ownership in our lifetime!
– Ignatius Piazza
Dear Ignatius,
We finally got the CCP law changed in MN to a shall issue state.
May 28th I applied for a permit and found out that Front Sight was not yet an approved provided by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
Over the last few months, I have taken the 4 Day Defensive Handgun and the Two Day Advanced Tactical Handgun courses at Front Sight. These courses were not yet recognized for my permit requirements.
But of course, at a 5 hour, “skim over the subject and run them through course,” at our local gun range, I was approved.
Interestingly enough when I turned in my 5 hour course certificate, the Deputy Sheriff said to me “It was to bad you wasted over $2,000.00 going to Nevada for courses that did not count.” My reply was “The courses were more than worth while. I am not only qualified to carry a weapon – I am COMPETENT to carry a weapon. From what I have been told by police officers who have heard about the level of my training, I am more competent to carry a weapon than most peace officers.”
As it turned out I scored 99.6% (249 out of 250 points) on my shooting proficiency test which is the highest score out of 600 applicants to date at this shooting range.
All thanks to my Front Sight training!
Please contact the MNBCA as soon as possible to become an approved vendor. If I can assist Front Sight in any way to become an approved vendor let me know. I would be happy to accompany a representative of the MNBCA to Front Sight if appropriate.
Tom Child
Entry Filed under: Front Sight.