Responses to and Thanks for ‘CITIZEN SOLDIER’ Post
November 12th, 2009
Here are a few responses to our post about the Ft. Hood tragedy – creating the new Citizen Soldier Membership.
Dr. Piazza,
Let me say thank you for all you are doing for the 2nd amendment and the protection of our nation and it’s people.
Thank you also for your message to the vets on this Veteran’s Day. I as a vet thank you on behalf of all vets.
I love your newsletter. You are making your training available to many many people.
I thank you for the invaluable information you provide and I will attend as soon as I am able to do so.
Keep up the fight.
You are a Great American.
Thank You,
Joe S.
Dr. Piazza,
Bob C.
Dr. Piazza,
Thank God others besides me see this as well!
Why the hell does a female street cop get called onto a U.S military base to end a shootout ???????????????
How embarrassing, and humiliating! I hang my head in shame at the utter STUPIDITY our elected “officials” CONTINUOUSLY display!
I have heard of and seen a lot of stupid crap in my life, but this one is at the top.
Leave it to the U.S Government to screw something up like no other can!
Dr. Piazza,
You ARE so dead ON always!!
Again, The US Government is totally reactive NOT pro-active.
They just never learn and the bureaucrats think they know a “Better Way”.
You are right. Military installation and nobody’s armed… ONLY in America.
I’m inside my house and my Glock 22 IS always inside an instantly open-able pouch near me all the time, you just never know WHEN you might need to protect yourself AND like in that military Fort IF you need a weapon, milliseconds count.
Dr. Piazza.
Thank you for putting your money where your mouth is.
You definitely walk the talk.
Thanks again,
Tim D.
Dr. Piazza,
I know you have found your calling in life but I can’t tell you how much I, and many others, wish you were the President of America!
God bless you.
Barbara S.
Original post is here: “The Swiss and Israelis must think…“.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,second amendment.