Armorer Commends Front Sight for Outstanding Law Enforcement Scholarship Firearms Training
May 28th, 2006
Dear Dr Piazza:
Our police department was fortunate enough to obtain a scholarship to your 4 day Defensive Handgun Course through one of your lifetime members. As our department Rangemaster/Armorer, I was selected to attend the training, along with Officer Tim Bailey, our Assistant Rangemaster/Armorer. Let me start out by saying, I have attended many POST certified training courses in my career. I can honestly say, without reservation, the training that I received at Front Sight was by far the best firearms training that I have ever received.
Your staff was excellent. Our Rangemaster did an outstanding job. He was able to motivate his students in a very positive way. His presentation skills were excellent. He kept the class moving forward with military precision. All of the instructors did a great job, helping students with their presentation, grip, stance, trigger control etc.
Your classroom instructor did an excellent job as well. His personal law enforcement insights and experiences were invaluable. He was able to share some of his hard-earned experience, in a very touching way. I helped him demonstrate a typical law enforcement response to a man-with-a-gun call. (I had way-too-much-fun!)
Enclosed Photo: Officer Bailey and I encouraged some of our shooting partners & they encouraged us! We had a great time with people we have never met. One person we met, “Darleen”, has taken the 4 day course four (4) times. “Dave” was shooting a revolver. The tall guy, “Scott” was a cowboy-action-shooter. I’m the guy in the camo-boonie hat. Officer Bailey is the guy w/the black ball cap. Range Master Bishop was nice enough to take a photo with “The Wild-Bunch”.
I would like to commend you and your professional staff for putting together such a unique training experience.
Sgt. Steve Merchant
Sgt. Steve Merchant
Patrol Sergeant/Range Master/Armorer
City of Ripon Police Department
Entry Filed under: Front Sight.