First Time Defensive Handgun Student Writes In

July 3rd, 2006  

Hi Front Sight,

My name is Kelli Herman and I just completed the 4 Day Defensive Handgun class.

Being my real first time to ever shoot a gun, one of your instructors saw the problems I was having and tried to help me correct them. Still seeing that I was having difficulty hitting the targets he then took me to the range next to ours and proceeded to give me one-on-one instruction. He was extremely helpful and professional and made my experience at Front sight that more enjoyable and knowledgeable.

Thanks to him I left the course knowing and being able to accomplish the goals set. I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with all my friends, family and co-workers. I will highly recommend your school to anyone who desires to learn and apply the skills you so highly give. A special thanks to all my instructors.

Kelli Herman

Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.

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