15 Benefits of the Shooting Sports
August 19th, 2006
“Risk vs. Benefit” . . . all wise men & women think through the consequences of both in order to make wise decisions. This applies to the “risks” and “benefits” of any action . . . medical, cultural or economic (ex. life, liberty & prosperity). With this in mind, think about these fifteen “benefits” found in the shooting sports.1) It is a Fun Sport.
No fancy excuses or rationalization here, the shooting sports are just plain fun. Whether shooting inside, using your BB or pellet gun, or shooting outside plinking at cans, target shooting, or cowboy action shooting, all are great fun. However, as important as words are to communication, this “fun” element of the shooting sports cannot be fully described. It must be experienced! So, grab a friend and go to the closest shooting range and “taste and see” for yourself. You will love it. It is a proven & guaranteed winner!
2) It is a Safe Sport.
Though the instruments of this sport can be dangerous, when compared to other sporting activities (football, swimming, walking etc.) or everyday activities (driving, eating, medical care etc.) the shooting sports are quite safe. According to the latest report (2004) from the National Safety Council, most accidental deaths are caused by motor vehicles (42%), poisoning (12%), suffocation (6%), drowning (4%), or medical mistakes (3%), rather that firearms (0.8%).
Another way to look at this is that you are at a 375% greater risk from medical mistakes than gun accidents and you are at a 5,250% greater risk from motor vehicles than firearms.
More children will die in a car, drown in a pool or choke on food that they will by a firearm. Fact: The number of firearm injuries in America are at an all time low, even while the number of firearm owners increases, as more people discover the safe benefits of firearms.
3) It is a Family Sport.
This is a sport that almost every family member can enjoy together, because at the beginning levels it is easy and affordable. It is also a sport that boys & girls or men & women can participate in together. Granddad and grandson, father and daughter, loving family memories lasting a lifetime are made here. Why not start making some of your own!
4) It is an Individual Sport.
You can also shoot by yourself without any assistance from anyone, if that is your desire. Here, you have time to think and enjoy solitude. Time to grow in your marksmanship abilities at your own pace. Discover new talents and abilities. Then enjoy these gifts that bring great personal satisfaction.
5) It is a Lifetime Sport.
The fun of shooting and the many disciplines learned in this sport can begin early and continue through most of an adults normal life span. Also, with the expansion of high-tech equipment available today, many disabled individuals can excel in some of the highest levels of competition. This is truly an investment for a lifetime!
6) Its Training: Builds Physical Discipline.
In an age of the “couch potato”, this sport can help build many physical disciplines that are not only healthy but enjoyable. Increased strength, improved stamina, elevated hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, are just a few of the physical disciplines acquired in the shooting sports that apply to all of life.
7) Its Training: Increases Mental Discipline.
The sport of shooting, to the surprise of many, is primarily a mental sport. Experienced marksmen think sport shooting is 90% mental. Concentration levels are sharpened and expanded. Multiple problem solving activities involving logic, mathematics, and creative thinking (thinking “outside the box”) are needed and employed to succeed at any level of the shooting sports. This is truly a thinking man’s (and women’s) sport.
8) Its Training: Advances Personal Responsibility.
To advance both safety and skill development, personal responsibility is taught throughout the shooting sports. The shooting sports cultivates personal responsibility also because this is a foundational character trait for both security and liberty in any family, state or nation.
“Liberty means responsibility.
That is why most men dread it”
– George Bernard Shaw –
9) Its Training: Promotes Liberty
Shooting sports provide a natural environment to educate all citizens with a historically honest view of freedom. We need to rejuvenate the vision of “liberty” America‘s founding fathers saw so clearly. It is no mistake that the tools mastered in the shooting sports have been called “the people’s liberty teeth”. This is one of the reasons the 2nd amendment in America‘s “Bill of Rights” was written.
“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”
George Washington, America’s 1st President
(To help you promote the founding father’s view of “liberty”, be sure and see the new documentary, Innocents Betrayed. This new movie, shows how official governments use “gun control” to disarm and then enslave, torture or murder innocent civilians by the millions, including “innocents” in America today.
10) Its Training: Preserves life and family.
Contrary to popular opinion, guns save lives! The most scholarly research in the last 10 years has shown that in the U.S.A. alone, firearms are used successfully “2.5 million times each year to prevent crime, or 6,849 times every day”. The shooting sports teach safe and effective use of these life saving instruments. This is another reason the 2nd amendment was written.
11) Its Training: Assists in Crime Prevention.
Because the shooting sports teach safe and effective use of the time tested tools proven to prevent crime, along with character building disciplines, it provides “salt and light” effects for any society. This way law-abiding citizens become victors not victims by overcoming the naturally occurring societal “decay and darkness” of the lawless. This also is one of the reasons the 2nd amendment was written.
12) Its Training: Assists in National Defense.
Terrorism, whether it is domestic or foreign, decreases when law-abiding citizens have the 1) tools, 2) abilities and 3) mindset (i.e. will & moral authority) in order to prevent the unlawful destruction of life. The training provided in the shooting sports sharpen all three.
13) Its Training: Enhances Educational Opportunities.
Another little known fact is that the shooting sports are one of the most popular events in the Olympics. 17 Olympic events, in four Olympic disciplines (rifle, pistol, running target and shotgun), were held during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney and in the 2004 Athens Games. This is why several universities and private trusts have monies allocated providing scholarships for young marksman, male or female.
14) Its Training: Takes place In a Friendly, Helpful Atmosphere.
The people involved in the shooting sports are some of the most helpful, honest and “salt of the earth” kind of folks you will meet. Most are friendly people who are both able and willing to help you improve in any aspect of this sport.
15) Its Training: Promotes the values needed for a safe, prosperous and free society.
Character development is always necessary and good. The shooting sports can help you overcome fear, grow in patience and think of others as you would have them think of you, the “Golden Rule” & “Good Samaritan” character qualities observed in every society that is secure, prosperous and free.
These are just a few of the many benefits you can experience in a sport that is both fun and family oriented. Moreover, its skills and disciplines may one day save your life or the life of a loved one.
“Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords.”
Theodore Roosevelt, America’s 26th President
After we initially wrote the “15 Benefits of the Shooting Sports” several additional benefits have been proposed to us:
– Learn to overcome peer pressure,
– Learn to laugh at yourself,
– Learn from your mistakes,
– Learn to be a “good sport”,
– Learn to set goals and achieve them,
– Meet new people, etc.
Add your ideas to the list. We would love to hear from you!
Pastor Campbell
© 2002 15 Benefits of the Shooting Sports
Rev. J. T. Campbell Jr.
248 Micasa Drive
Pendleton, SC 29670
Recommended Reading:
Ÿ The Seven Myths of Gun Control: Reclaiming the Truth about Guns, Crime and the Second Amendment by Richard Poe
Ÿ On The Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty by Larry Pratt
Ÿ The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You’ve Heard About Gun Control Is Wrong by Dr. John R. Lott Jr.
Entry Filed under: Essays,From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.