Gain Control When You Need it Most
October 2nd, 2006
Another letter received recently:
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I have been receiving your gun training reports and have already learned alot! Most of them seem to reinforce common sense which goes out the window when we are faced with certain danger or possible death which is a natural human reaction. Your classes seem to help the student get control over these emotions [panic,fear,fight] and know when to use deadly force and when not to, all within the possible blink of an eye.
This is deep training and I can’t wait to attend Front Sight!
My daughter also wants to attend. She’s 18. I am a single parent I worry about her all the time. I think this would be good for her as well.
Thank you again.
Panic and fear are much more dangerous to you in a combat situation than your enemy is. We’re glad that our reports are helping you to recognize the importance of mental control; you will need it to come out of any gunfight as the victor. The alternative is just not an option.
Our 15 Free Gun Training Reports contain a great deal more information than most firearms trainers will give away freely. Why? Because we know that if we give you the information you need to understand the proper mindset, you are that much more likely to continue to train with us. There is no substitute for coming out and training here in our world-class facility, however. We certainly hope to see you here shortly.
At the Front Sight Firearms Institute, we train you further in the proper mindset, in great shooting and a great deal more. The 15 Free Gun Training Reports are the first step toward becoming an unconsciously competent firearm owner.
We love knowing that every single one of the people we train is that much less likely to become a statistic.
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.