All Guns are loaded…
February 11th, 2007
Dr. Piazza,
Thank you for all of the information and for the DVD which just arrived in the mail, I look forward to reading and watching it all.
I guess it’s somewhat of a good news/ bad news story, the good news is that now I know where to go to get the kind of training that (I must admit) I have always known I needed; The bad news is that now that I know this; until I actually receive said training, I have become one of the II ones, or at least TII (temporarily Intentionally Incompetent) Thanks A Lot!
But seriously, I would really love to attend a course (or 10).
Keep up the good work, hopefully I will get to meet you someday.
I’ll leave you with a favorite quote:
All dogs bite, all horses kick, and all guns are loaded!
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.