Response to VT Shootings from First Family Member
April 18th, 2007
Dear Dr. Piazza,
My name is Miles Johnson and I am one of your First Family Members. I wanted to let you know that I think that this is a great idea to give teachers the chance to learn how to protect their students. As I was listening to the reports of the shooting I thought to myself that all it took to stop that shooter was one person standing up against him. All it took was one person standing for good to save the lives of 32 innocent people. I think that even if the only thing people did was go to Front Sight and just heard the lectures they would know what to do to protect themselves.
As a College student myself, I believe that if I were placed in the same situation that these students at Virginia Tech were in, my training at Front Sight would save my life and the lives of my fellow students. I hope that teachers around the country take you up on your offer to allow free training to defend their students. If everyone were trained with the skills provided at Front Sight the loss of 32 innocents at Virginia Tech could have been avoided.
Your Friend
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.