Free Gun Training Reports – Response
May 9th, 2007
Dr. Piazza,
I have received the first two newsletters and your facility and course selection sounds very appealing. I am currently employed outside of the US and look forward to coming back by the end of the year. I think your training course in defensive handgun would be terrific for my wife and I to take together. If I could coax my son into taking leave from the Navy for a week, I’d bring him along too especially since he has just acquired a personal handgun. I am thoroughly excited about the prospect of attending a course, but frustrated knowing that it will have to wait. Please keep me on your mailing list. I am sharing the info with a few close friends.
Thank you Jim.
We look forward to seeing you at Front Sight in the future.
The experience will be great for your entire family.
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.