Dry Fire or Live Rounds?
June 11th, 2007
Dr. Piazza,One of the emails you sent me, you told me in it there was a valued secret for practicing called “Dry Practice”. Why is it the gunsmith’s at Wilson Combat, Ed Brown, Les Bear, who are among the best custom gunsmith’s in the world and some production pistol gunsmith’s like Kimber, Para, Glock, Springfield, and all agree Dry Firing is the worst thing you can do for your pistol. The first thing to go is the firing pin. So who am I supposed to believe????
I have completed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dry presses on my 1911’s and Glock with no problems.
How much damage would have occurred with hundreds of thousands of LIVE rounds?
Ask the question, what is going to break a gun first, 100,000 rounds of dry presentations and trigger press or 100,000 rounds of live rounds being fired?
You need to practice, and dry practice is fast, easy and cheap (free). If you are worried about it, then routinely change your firing pin and spring.
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,From the Mail Bag.