Crooks getting too comfortable in Canada
July 15th, 2007
Dear Dr. Piazza,
Thank you so much for these great e-mails and fantastic dvd that you sent me. I appreciate you sending it all the way up here in Canada.
I own a 45 auto. handgun which took me a year of paperwork and waiting to purchase.
Here in my city of Montreal we have a new crime wave called “home invasion” where the criminals don’t care if you are at home or not, they bust in with guns and brutalise the home owners, tie them up and ransack the home. Several victims have been killed and I can’t imagine the emotional trauma caused to those who are not.
Of course the police downplay it and the laws here prevent me from protecting myself. I want to take your course but when I come home I’m not able to use the skills.
Here is what I have to do by law if some (I want to put a swear word here) comes into my home and points a gun at my family.
I have to get my keys, go downstairs and open my lock box that is attached to the wall and take out my gun. Then I have to take a second key and open a lock box that must be in a different room to grab my rounds and insert them in the empty clip.
So by now I guess, according to the government, the (insert swear word) criminal is making a pot of tea and reading the morning paper so that I can confront him.
Do you understand the problem here? I live in a Country where guns are feared because only the criminals have them so it’s normal to associate guns with bad guy.
Meanwhile the bad guy has it made. Hell, I bet half of them aren’t even loaded but what can you do with a gun pointed at your skull????
Yours sincerely
Sorry to hear things are so screwed up in Canada. If the liberals in this country have their way we will be just like you in one generation or less. For these reasons, Front Sight exists to prevent the US from losing its greatest freedom.
Thank you for your support.
My suggestions is that you consider what you would rather face in a home invasion: humiliation, injury and death or potential criminal and civil liability.
Good hand to hand and edged weapons training would be helpful too.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.