Response to Gun Training Reports
August 7th, 2007
Dr. Ignatius Piazza;
I have received the first 2 gun training reports and all I can say is this is some extremely important information, and I am very glad I signed up for them. You truly do have the best kept secrets of gun handling and shooting. Hitting the target will get a lot easier and a lot quicker once I have put into practice all the important info in these 15 reports.
I want to personally thank you for what you are doing to help people become more proficient, and so very much more accurate in handling a hand gun. You sir, are a genius. My hats off to you and I for one am grateful you have gone to so much trouble to help people like me become more comfortable around guns and especially hand guns. Now, I can’t wait for the other 13 reports to see what kind of vital information they hold.
Thank you again sir.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.