Veteran Response
September 1st, 2007
Dr. Piazza,
I haven’t responded to your emails yet, but wanted to do so this morning. I have read everything you’ve sent out and checked it all out with a former SEAL Commander I know (a guy I worked with while serving in the Marines out in the Persian Gulf back in ’87–he’s legit). He has given the thumbs up to what you are saying in your emails, so I’m a believer. I hope some day soon to get involved with your organization and to take some long overdue training with you and your staff. Just wish you were located closer to me (I’m in New England–just moved here from Los Angeles…damn it!). I have enjoyed and agreed with all you’ve said and done since the VT incident. Good on ya for all of that. Keep up the good work. Some time next year I plan to take at least one course with you. I’ll also be shooting with my SEAL buddy every chance I get. Can’t pass that up!
Thanks, Jeremy.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.