Getting Serious about Self Defense
September 30th, 2007
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I have had my CCW licence for a few years, but never done a whole lot of shooting. I purchased my 357 3 inch barrel revolver some time ago. I started “carrying” seriously shortly after I was mugged. Yes, mugged two blocks from my home while walking along the beach with my 3 year old grandson. I had no money on me, not even my wallet.
The mugging resulted in two cervical fusions and a great deal of pain. Even today I have a very stiff neck.
I’m now 73 and in fairly good physical condition.
After “discovering” your web site and accepting your “15 report” offer, I am getting serious about this self defence.
Both my wife and I have a $2,000. cert which we plan on using ASAP.
Now, If accosted I can defend myself, but after we take the “four day handgun self-defence training” I will then be in a place for sure where such an unprovoked attack will result in me or my family member coming out on top.
Thank again for what you’ve taught me already and for the 4 day training we will be taking at Front Sight.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.