Use of Deadly Force
October 30th, 2007
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I read every piece of training information you send me. All of it is invaluable.
I was especially interested in Training Report #6, the use of Deadly Force.
At the Sheriff’s Dept. where I work, we have gone through various scenarios depicting the use of deadly force. I personally sat and pondered what it would take to actually make me squeeze the trigger. And like you have said, I have made peace with my God and know how far things must go before I do squeeze the trigger. Once the bullet leaves the barrel, just like our words in a room full of skeptics, you can never get it back. So we must choose our words and our targets very very wisely.
Thank you, Dr. for all of your guidance and reports. I look forward to reading even more and someday traveling to Nevada attending Front Sight.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.