, Front Sight, and the Millionaire Patriot…
January 17th, 2008
January 16, 2008
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
One of Front Sight’s lifetime members, Luke McCoy has created a great website for information regarding concealed Carry Permit reciprocity and other resources associated with the concealed carry of weapons.Luke’s website is
Check out the great map he created to show you which states have reciprocity agreements in place.
Forward this entire e-mail on to your friends and family and post it on all your chat rooms.
And be sure to tell everyone you know about the Millionaire Patriot offer…
Click link above to take advantage of the Millionaire Patriot Offer and then please forward it to everyone you
know so they too can get in on it before it is gone!
I look forward to seeing you at Front Sight soon!
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Newsletter.