Want a Cheap Front Sight Lifetime Membership?
January 20th, 2008
If you have been waiting for an inexpensive way to get
a lifetime of world-class firearms training- this is it!
But you only have 5 days left to secure it…
January 19, 2008
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Attention: Private Citizens and Law Enforcement Alike!
Want a Cheap Front Sight Lifetime Membership?
Then Jump on This E-mail and Respond Today!
(You don’t have the time to wait…)
Several months ago, for a very short window of opportunity, I offered a dirt cheap membership to help those in the
security and law enforcement fields afford a lifetime of world-class training that Front Sight provides through our lifetime memberships.
We sold hundreds of these memberships.
I then had a significant number of people, both private citizens and law enforcement alike ask for this membership to be offered again, so I opened up the window for 7 days only and sold even more memberships.
I’m still getting numerous requests each day for this amazingly inexpensive, but very comprehensive lifetime membership, even though it is not advertised on our website.
HERE IS THE DEAL: This membership is priced too low for me to make it a regular offer, so I will open it up to Private Citizens and Law Enforcement Alike for a period of ONLY 7 days.
You have until Midnight, Thursday, January 24 to secure this amazingly affordable (dirt cheap) Lifetime Membership that we will not offer again at this price — because we can’t offer a lifetime of training so darn cheap.
Whether you are a Private Citizen, or Law Enforcement Officer, if you have been waiting for a miracle to allow you to secure a lifetime of training in our most popular courses then jump on this offer. You only have 7 days.
So go to the Front Sight link below to get all the details and Lifetime Membership Enrollment Form.
(If this link will not open, copy and paste it into your browser or simply type it into your browser)
This amazing Lifetime Membership offer ends Midnight, Thursday, January 24, 2008. No exceptions!
We look forward to your lifetime of training at Front Sight.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
Entry Filed under: Front Sight.