Magnify your Talents
February 7th, 2008
Dr. Piazza,
I am quite new to the whole world of firearms. I have just recently taken the CCW course and that is where I learned of your training courses.
I am simply amazed.
I have signed up for the emails, which I am recieving and enjoying very much as I learn more all the time.
My Grandfather and even my Father were both lifetime expert shots in the military. Even so my father has never owned a gun. SO this is new territory for me and I am excited to learn how to be comfortable in the gun world. I have recently purchased a Ruger P90 and am learning somewhat. But one reason for my exploration into this world is simply; its in my blood.
I am only trying to magnify the talents I believe that have been passed down to me.
Thank you very much for you dedication to this nation, and the time and energy to help us all become safer and more mature with our decision making.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.