Firearms Instructor writes in
February 15th, 2008
Dr. Piazza,
I have heard great things about your training and hope to make it to Front Sight in the future. I live in Boulder County, Colorado, and the firearms instructors with the Sheriff’s Department spoke glowingly of the training they received on patrol rifles in preparation for issuing the agency’s new AR’s.
I have completed NRA LE certification in Police Firearms Instructor, Patrol Rifle, Precision Rifle and Tactical Shooting and serve as a LE Firearms Instructor with our agency. However, I always strive to improve my skills and knowledge in firearms instruction and believe that attending your
training would be extremely beneficial. It is and will remain on my wish list for training – I’ll keep prodding away at our training supervisor, who knows, maybe he’ll pay for both of us to attend.
Thank you,
Mark C.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.