Response from District Attorney Investigator
April 12th, 2008
Dr. Piazza,
The lecture was excellent. I am a 36 year veteran law enforcement officer. I served 7 years with the Dallas P.D., 26 years with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Admin. and am currently employed as an Investigator for a District Attorney’s Office. During my career, I was a D.E.A. Firearms Instructor for 21 years, and was involved in 9 shooting incidents.
It is absolutely essential that “the decision” be made in advance and “what ifs” contemplated before one is involved in a deadly confrontation. It is also essential that one is trained to a level that allows them to function effectively under extreme stress.
Name withheld by request.
Investigator, District Attorney’s Office.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.