Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
April 20th, 2008
Dear Dr. Piazza:
I am writing to inform you that, after auctioning off the first of the three course certificates you donated to Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, SCCC now has enough money to meet our immediate goal of incorporating, and we are making rapid progress in our fight for the legalization of concealed carry on college campuses. As of March 4, 2008, SCCC has over 20,000 members, consisting of more than 18,000 college students and more than 2,000 faculty members, parents of college students, and concerned citizens. Approximately one out of every 945 college students in the United States of America is now a member of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. SCCC is starting to look less like a fringe group of college students and more like a force to be reckoned with in the fight for gun rights in America. By enabling us to take the crucial step of incorporating our organization, your donation has played an important role in that transition. I hope that SCCC and Front Sight will be able continue the positive relationship we have begun.
Several national TV news outlets have expressed interest in doing primetime specials about SCCC and the issue of concealed carry at college campuses. For the last several months ABC’s Primetime has worked very closely with SCCC on a primetime special they are producing to air (tentatively) sometime this spring. In early January CNN Presents shot footage, for a proposed primetime special, of SCCC members lobbying the Virginia state legislature. I have also been in repeated contact with Fox News’s Jamie Colby, who has expressed interest in doing a primetime special about SCCC and the issue of concealed carry on college campuses.
After viewing Front Sight’s Your Legacy DVD, I feel that your immersion approach to winning the hearts and minds of the media might be the perfect compliment to SCCC’s facts and statistics approach. Would you be interested in collaborating with SCCC on some of these media stories? One of the most debated points of contention surrounding this issue is the question of whether or not civilians can effectively utilize concealed handguns for self-defense. Perhaps some sort of demonstration, such as putting a college student, a college professor, and a reporter–each with little or no previous experience with firearms–through one of your 4-Day Defensive Pistol courses could serve as an effective demonstration that average citizens CAN be trained to defend themselves with handguns. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of such a collaboration, please contact me at your convenience.
Thank you again for your support of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.
W. Scott Lewis
Media Coordinator
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.