Response from Retired SWAT Team Leader
July 25th, 2008
Dr. Piazza,
As a retired Sheriff’s Sgt., SWAT Team Leader, firearms instructor/rangermaster and 2nd Amendment advocate, I am extremely impressed with your Front Sight training curriculum and your personal philosophy.
I do plan to attend your basic courses and would also be very interested in a train the trainer course. I am looking to update my skills and teach in the local police academy(s).
I do shoot “Action Pistol” at our local Rifle & Pistol Club and have been very impressed with the rapid improvements made by the shooters who have attended your courses.
I find your “Gun-Training” reports RIGHT-ON and very beneficial to improving my shooting skills. Hopefully I can soon find the time & money to become a member of your outstanding facility.
Keep up the good work & the fight to educate the anti-gun crowd.
Tom B.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.