Front Sight Mail Bag: Response to DVD
August 2nd, 2008
Dr. Piazza,
I received my copy of your DVD in the mail a few days ago, and as you requested I viewed it that evening. Let me tell you, I am seriously impressed. I can’t believe that I haven’t heard about Front Sight before
now. As stated on your video, your organization is a leader in a battle that firearms owners have almost lost already. I too, believe very strongly in your cause and you will have my support.
I was involved in a pretty serious motorcycle wreck almost a year ago, and have not quite recovered (financially), but I am very close. I am very interested in becoming a first family member of Front Sight, and am planning on doing so as soon as humanly possible. For your fee, I see you’re offering a wealth of knowledge and training that I feel is truly essential in the world we live in today. You’ll be hearing from me
again, and until then, I’ll be looking forward to the next Front Sight newsletter.
P.S I tried your tip on “blacking out” the front sight on my Glock 22. It made a surprising difference, who would have thought?
Best regards,
James C
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.