Family of CCW Holders Writes In About The DVD
January 23rd, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
Currently I am on Report #6 and digesting all of the wonderful information.
Everything is presented in an excellent manner that makes the learning easy and logical.
I am really looking forward to being to the Front Sight facility soon for further advancement.
The Legacy DVD is absolutely awesome. By about the midpoint of the DVD, my younger son went from mildly disinterested to focusing 100% plus. My older son, being 23 years old and a year+ with his CCW permit was wanting to train with me at Front Sight as soon as he can.
Our whole family super-appreciates what you are doing to turn around the steady and continual erosion of our American freedoms and get us away from the Defensive Posture to a very Proactive Posture.
God Bless and more power to you,
Gene P.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.