Bird Hunter Reports In
February 2nd, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza,
Thank you so much for your great web site and all the information and free trainning emails.I have been a member of the National Sporting Clays Association and bird hunter most of my life.
As the last 18 months have been hard on my company and the cost of shoots has gone up so much I have not been going. I’m going to a gun show today to sell my Browning 525 sporting clay so I can come to the 5 day class.
My wife and kids think my cheese has slipped off my cracker as they know how much owning a O/U means to me. Where I grew up the kids shoot single breaks, dads used pumps and grandpa a Browning Auto-5.Only rich folks from out of state owned a O/U shotgun so it was a big day when I got one.My family knows how many years I shot less of a gun tell I could finally get one.
But I now know its more important to be able defend my family-home-company than to shot clays.
My only concern has been how to feel good about a hand gun in my hand.I do not believe a hour a week at a local gun range blasting away will be of much use.My tools to build homes feel natural after 30 years and I still have all my fingers and toes,so safe use of them I know.I do not feel that way about a hand gun as I have so little time with one. The class will help make me feel safe with a new tool that I don’t feel now.I only hope I will be able to sigh up before your offer is all filled up.
Thank you once again for your great work-hope to see you soon.
Steven S.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.