Response to Free Gun Training Reports
February 5th, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I’ve just finished reading your transcript contained in Report #6. You are correct in your opening statement. It is truly thought provoking. I have had my Texas Concealed Handgun License for a short time, 1 month to be exact, and several of the reasons I pursued obtaining the CHL are in line with those “scenarios” you mention in your report. Although I hope I never have to use my weapon to protect myself or my loved ones, I am painfully aware that the possibility does exits. I chose not to bury my head in the sand and think “That could never happen to me.” Because I know it can. If and when it does, I want to be prepared. Believe it or not, I have played out in my head, long before I obtained my CHL, “what if” scenarios that involved defending me or my loved ones. I am not paranoid; I am just a lot more aware of my surroundings.
I have found each of your reports extremely informative, even down to blacking out the “white dot” on the front site. I have done this to my handguns and I must admit I was amazed at the difference such a simple “secret” made in my accuracy. I practiced this past weekend and I managed to go from and average 4″ group down to a 2″ group, without changing a thing except the front site. The difference it made is mind boggling; to say the least.
I look forward to receiving your “Reports” and seeing what new information you have to share. I recently joined the Lifetime Defensive Handgun Membership and I plan on attending your October 4 day class. I have watched your DVD twice since receiving it to see what you have taught your students relative to the proper handling to their handgun. Don’t get me wrong, the message in your DVD was received loud and clear, but the accompanying videos have shown me several “moves” that have already helped me with my skills. I can’t wait to attend your class.
Thank you for all of your efforts on behalf of the law abiding gun owners of this great country.
Warmest regards,
Austin R.
Blanco, TX
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.