Excited about Frontsight!
February 24th, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
I am a busy business owner, as are you, so I will make this short. Thank you for producing such a professional DVD showcasing Front Sight. I’ve watched it a few times and I am impressed!
I plan on attending the four day defensive pistol course in March with a customer of mine (I sold to him an AR-15 and a Dan Wesson Bobtail .45).
Also, thank you for using the term “weapon”. During my NRA basic pistol instructor certification class, I was highly complemented on my presentation by the instructor. However, her only criticism was that I used the term “weapon” nine times. “We say firearm”, she said. Well, I am unashamed of my military service, I am unashamed of the 2nd Amendment, and I am unashamed to use the term weapon.
In the Infantry, we had a saying: Shoot, Move, and Communicate. Not only is this a tactic, it is a frame of mind of gaining ground, rather than holding the line or falling back. In my opinion, when representatives of gun organizations advocate the use of “sporterized” terms, they fail to hold the line and incrementally fall back in the battlefield of public image.
Recently, I’ve been invited twice as a guest speaker at the local rifle club and once at an amateur radio club during their monthly meeting. The rifle club averages over 200 members at the meetings. The focus of my mini-seminar is on educating the club members about AR-15 rifles and CCWs in California. The secondary purpose of my public speaking efforts is to promote my business. The primary purpose is to present a professional image and educate more people. The goal is to move forward and gain ground with respect to the 2nd amendment. I believe we share the same goal.
Thank you for your efforts in defending and promoting the 2nd amendment. I look forward to my 4 day defensive pistol class.
See you in March,
Daniel C.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.