Thank you for Gun Training Reports
March 1st, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I would like to thank you for creating and sending me the gun reports which I have received so far.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each of the reports, especially the recent reports #8-10, “The Color Code of Mental Awareness”. They were very insightful and thought provoking. I am a former Sergeant in the US Army as a Cavalry Scout. My main job responsibilities were to be on the front line “scouting” for the enemy – always in a condition yellow or orange. After reading your reports it made me realize that I had subconsciously adapted my training, essentially your “color code”, into my daily life and activities, be it walking my dogs or driving down the street. While in the army the color code was not so broken down in stages as you have spelled out. Reading your reports reaffirmed what I have been thinking since receiving the first of your emails, that I would love to attend a four day handgun course!.
Again, thank you for the great thought provoking reports, as well as the Front Sight Challenge series.
Clive S.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.