Front Sight Mail Bag: Just What the Doctor Ordered
March 4th, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
These reports so far are “Just What the Dr. Ordered!” Although I have just recently purchased two 9mm pistols, I have yet been able to go to the range to practice and become efficient with them. BUT, I do know from reading your newsletters, I will be a better shot when I to train. It is obvious to me from reading your about your companies background the the newsletters I have received so far, you definitely know what you are talking about. I really look forward to reading future newsletters. Also, hopefully will have a chance to attend one of your classes………. I have 16 yrs. military experience with stints in both the U.S.Navy and also the Army and would love to go through your 4 day course. Thanks again and keep up the EXCELLENT work.
God Bless the 2nd Amendment.
John N.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.