Front Sight Against Domestic Violence
March 21st, 2009
Front Sight for Four years? Nope, a man is going to prison for four years.? In December, he attacked his girlfriend with a baseball bat and threatened her with a machete to her neck.? Then he attacked her dog and fought the police officers.? A protection order was put into effect to protect his victim, and he violated that.? And now he is sentenced with four years in prison.? Will it be enough for him to “learn his lesson”?? Or will it be just enough time for his anger to fester?? Will his girlfriend – and other women – be once again at risk when he is released?
We have all heard of the troubling story of Rihanna and her recent battle with domestic violence.? Will it happen again?? Or is her attacker a “changed man”?
Now is the time, women.? Now is OUR time.? Domestic violence is way too prevalent in today’s society, and WE are the ones who need to step up to prevent it.? We can do this by getting self defense training.? Whatever your choice of training, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute offers it.? Gun training like handgun training, automatic weapons training, rifle training and shotgun training can give you the confidence you need to handle a gun.? After ONE self defense firearms training course at Front Sight, you will walk away with skills that out do ninety nine percent of the gun owning population.? What armed attacker will want to mess with that?!? Edged weapons training teaches you how to use a knife and how to protect yourself from a knife bearing attacker.? Dr. Ignatius Piazza, founder and director of Front Sight will teach you how to hold a knife, how to use it, how to disarm your attacker and so much more.? Empty hands self defense training like martial arts training will teach you how to use your own body – your hands and your feet – as weapons themselves, leaving yourself in an optimum position.? If you have your CCW permit but did not pack your gun today or are in a place that does not allow weapons (like a school campus), you will still be able to protect yourself, even in extremely dangerous life threatening situations.
Unfortunately, domestic violence attacks do not just happen to adults.? This is why the Millionaire Patriot, Dr. Piazza, offers child safety training courses and youth safety training courses.? In these classes, your children and teens will learn how to recognize a possible threat and how to prevent a dangerous situation.? They will also learn how to defend themselves if a situation happens which they cannot prevent.? Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable sending your daughter out into the dating world, knowing that she has the power to defend herself, even against the school’s biggest, baddest, and strongest football player if he were to become a threat?? Dr. Piazza has a family of his own, so he understands the importance of family protection.
So again, ladies, I say that now is the time.? Don’t delay in getting yourself the best possible self defense training, because you never know what can happen even tomorrow. Schedule yourself for a self defence course at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.
Entry Filed under: Press Room.