Front Sight Mail Bag: Full Spectrum Firearms Training
April 7th, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
I was very intrigued over the last few weeks as I consistently received and read, your newsletters. I can assure you that the tips you offer for free in your newsletters are worth a small fortune. I know this from first hand experience that I gained in over 12 years in the military.
Most interesting, was the information that you shared that began in newsletter/report# 8 and went to the pinnacle in #10.
Simply put, your choice to offer two crucial pieces of information, the Color Code system and also the Combat Mindset as it relates to Condition Black, are? priceless cornerstones that any person who reads these and chooses to implement them into their lives, may find that they are indeed the difference between “life and death”. It is that simple.
I wanted to thank you for extending these newsletters/reports to the interested public and also for having the guts to share a variety of information that many shooting schools and instructors keep quiet about and also are not aware of.
Your articles are interesting enough and have shown me how committed you are to Frontsight and the American publics safety, that I am motivated enough to apply as an instructor at Frontsight. I can think of no other way to leverage my skills obtained in the military than to offer them as a means of service to American citizens through training at Frontsight.
You offer something through Frontsight that is what I call the “whole pie”. Many other schools, classes and instructors offer a “piece” or maybe a “few slices of pie” analogous to firearms skills, but from what I have read in your reports, I can tell that Frontsight offers the “whole pie”.
My opinion is that Frontsight offers a program that trains the entire spectrum related to firearms skills: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Intellectual and even Moral and Ethical. Attending a course here will improve a person’s life. The instruction you offer is obviously beneficial from a positive mentorship perspective, allowing folks to address things they had not previously considered and instead of just getting them to think of these questions, Frontsight offers the answers and provides realistic, practical skills to reinforce them.
Shawn N.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.