Front Sight Mail Bag: Responses to Ignatius Piazza Blog Post
May 14th, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
David K.
Dr. Piazza,
Great speech.
Bruce M.
Dr. Piazza,
I too am enthusiastic about your training exercises, as I underwent an immediate change in perception.
I’ve been with firearms since I as about 13 years old, though hunting pheasant once and a few trips to the trap range with my dad left an indelible mark on my soul, I’ll never be the same ‘kid’ any more.
I’ve come to respect and appreciate the shooting techniques your facility exemplifies in the excellent abilities of your instructors. I can’t wait to come back, hopefully with a friend, and receive another course in the pistol presentation training, as I wish to become excellent in such.
As in all things, I seek to better my abilities in not just my presentation of firearms, but in the presentation of a higher degree of character in all my doings. Your facility has the degree of excellence in command of arms needed to uplift this nation as a whole, with respect to the firearm subject that has been so berated by the media at large.
I’ll be back for more of your first rate classes as soon as possible. The experience of learning the correct way to handle a pistol/revolver, rifle, hand to hand defensive combat, and how to perceive and address a potential threat is of great need to repair the belittlement of our society as a whole. Keep up the great work Front Sight!
Steve C.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training,Self Defense.