Front Sight Mail Bag: Competency Levels Report Response
June 21st, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
Upon returning from my two week overseas trip (I fly for UPS) I’ve now had the opportunity to read Training Report 5 & 6. The competency levels you describe in #5 are very interesting and right on the money.
Although I am a former Marine, my skill with the handgun is not what it should be. I would describe myself as Consciously Incompetent. Number #6 was very thought provoking, and I’ve read it several times.
You certainly know how to get someone thinking and get right to the heart of the matter. Additionally, the DVD Front Sight Story Chapter One: Your Legacy was Outstanding!!!
I’ll be coming out for the four day defensive handgun course in either Sept or Oct, depending on my flight schedule with UPS. I am certainly looking forward to the experience.
Keep up the good work.
Jeff D.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.