More about guns and God – your responses, cont.
July 1st, 2009
Dear Doctor,
I always enjoy your emails. On this latest one you really hit the nail on the head (pun intended). Have you ever seen the western movie “Shane”, starring Alan Ladd? There is a line in the movie that says it exactly: “A gun is just a tool and it is as good or as bad as the man using it.”
Enough said.
Dean B.
Dr. Piazza
Thank you for your e-mail about God and guns. I have a carry permit, and I carry even while I’m at church. My pastor is all for it, he has said that GOD has given us a duty to protect our loved ones, and that means even in church.
I feel good about my abilities to hit what I aim at, and have taken a few courses where I had the chance to prove myself, and help teach others about sight alignment, trigger control, safety, etc.
I feel what you have done with training is a good thing, there is always more to be learned and that is why I contacted you about your courses. I am a former marine, have worked at a few gun stores to include class III, been in shooting competitions, won some trophies, and have taught hunter safety classes.
I am looking forward to getting the information I requested, and hope to pursue possible training to allow me the opportunity to apply as an instructor at Front Sight.
When I do something, I give it my all. In the Corps, I was meritoriously promoted , while in the fire service I was chosen as the state firefighter of the year (1992) , and as a hunter safety instructor, I was given a number of awards. With this in mind, is it any wonder that Front Sight is the school I would like to attend? I look forward to talking with you.
David M.
Dr Ignatius:
For decades I have tried to talk to congregational members about arms. When I found the website 10 years ago for JFPFA, it made me smile that at least somebody was getting the message. I have been an active shooter for many years. A pastor I had one time was asked by some members of the congregation if he could not talk to me about my attitude about guns and self sufficiency.
When he came to my home (I had a ranch at that time) and told me why he wanted to talk. I asked him if he believed in the Bible. Of course he answered Yes.
Then if “The Church” is so against guns, why did Jesus so encourage the practice of being armed with the weapons of the day? Was my opening question?
He told me that I was incorrect and Jesus would NEVER condone his disciples being armed.
I took him to Luke 22:35 where Jesus commanded his followers to even sell their cloths to buy a sword. When the disciples said “here are 2 swords” Jesus said that is enough. Which caused me to believe that not everybody needs to be armed, but some do. Not everyone can be a warrior and not everybody can be a sheep.
The pastor sort of sputtered a bit, and I asked him how was the servant of the high priest ear cut off, with words or a sword, was Jesus hanging out with an armed gang? Looks like it.
Keep up the good work and the fight, somehow I found myself in the middle of the Watts riots in 1966, and in Korea Town for the Rodney King affair in 1992. Both times I was armed and very glad of it. In both cases I had no time to prepare, or to go choose anything else but what I had with me. I have no doubt that before I am no longer on this earth I will find myself
again in the middle of anarchy. Saturday I was at a class in Washington, near where I live taking a tactical shotgun class. At the end of the class (16 students) we had a little man on man with 5 poppers each. Nobody thought the old 70 year old guy would get by the 1st round. However, I was the last man standing shooting my antique Benelli 121M. I defeated all the students. Training does matter.
How old is too old? You will know it when you find it.
I hope I can meet you sometime when I am at Front Sight, and you keep growing the school, it is a great asset, and the instructors are doing a great job.
Bob K.
Dr. Piazza,
Jesus said in the Bible that if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. The cloak in those days was a very important garment. It provided protection from the elements and could be used as a cover so to speak when you were sleeping. So, selling one’s cloak was a big deal in order to buy a sword or anything for that matter.
Also, when church is over, have you noticed that the preacher will leave first and go to the main door? There is history in this practice. Back in the pioneer days, the preacher or guardian of the flock would go out to look outside the church to see if it was safe to leave. He was checking for Indians or wild animals. And when he went out before his flock he was carrying his rifle. I believe that it was required that the men were to bring their firearms with them in the church for protection of the church attendees.
John L.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Self Defense.