Responses to Front Sight Growth Curve
July 9th, 2009
The below were in response to our page: Front Sight Continues to Succeed Year after Year after Year….
Thank you for the info.
There will always be those that are ill informed, Envious, Jealous, Liberal, AND JUST PLAIN STUPID!
I continue to forward your letters to my “students”. I have received lots of thanks- so keep up the good work!
Always the Best,
Dr. Piazza,
Regarding the detractors: I have to agree with you. I have been in law enforcement for 9 years and worked at a private range before that. I hear a lot of “haters.” A lot of them are surprisingly cops. Not surprising, however, is the fact that all of them have NEVER attended Front Sight.
I immediately set them straight.
I tell them about my background and how I thought I was sh-t-hot until I attended F.S. That was where my gun handling truly began. All the stuff before that was merely paper target practice.
As for the detractors… It’s easier to talk sh-t than to risk “manning up” and putting yourself out there. The people who talk crap hide under a paper shield. Rather than be exposed they hide in the background and fire salvos. Every class at Front Sight cops seem to find each other. They are all pleased with the quality (including the SWAT cops.) I usually hear “there are a few things I’d change (simply personal preference) but overall I really like it.”
As for me. Regardless of my past experience, I learn a LOT! I plan on going back in September. On a final note: After taking your Handgun course I went to an advanced law enforcement course. Without the F.S. training I would have looked like a total screw up. Front Sight gave me the tools to go to the advanced LEO class and hold my own. The other cops that were there who had previously attended F.S. spoke highly of it and did well. Once I can afford to upgrade I am looking forward to Front Sight’s advanced classes. I’m actually really excited about it.
The bottom line is that the detractors would rather bring others down instead of rising to meet the standards.
Again, Thank you! I hope to upgrade soon.
Take care.
All the best!
Brandon F.
Entry Filed under: Front Sight.