Ignatius Piazza: I’ll Pledge My Life So You Don’t Have To…
August 3rd, 2009
I spent a day with Thomas Jefferson and was inspired to share the experience with you.
Understand that in making this video for you there was no teleprompter or Que cards to direct me in any way.
What I am sharing with you came straight from my head, and more importantly, from my heart.
Please watch the video and I believe you will then fully understand WHY I work 16 hours per day, every day to positively change the image of gun ownership in this country and preserve the freedom Thomas Jefferson and our Founding Fathers gave to us.
I believe you will then also understand why my hundreds of thousands of students refer to me as the Millionaire Patriot and you will also want the Self Reliance that I am offering you…
Please understand that under my guidance and direction, Front Sight has doubled every year for twelve straight years and is on track to double again this year.
Every weekend, SEVERAL HUNDRED students experience the personal attention needed to secure the Comfort of Skill at Arms and leave Front Sight forever positively changed in their ability to defend themselves to levels that exceed law enforcement standards as well as represent gun ownership in the most responsible, professional manner possible.
These students then go back to their communities all over the United States and by their daily example of heightened confidence; awareness; responsibility; and expertise, they positively impact everyone they contact.
I sincerely believe, and our rate of growth makes it possible, that Front Sight can positively and forever change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes so all Americans will not only understand the importance of the Second Amendment, but also want a gun and the Comfort of Skill at Arms for themselves and their families.
I believe in this so strongly that I am willing to take money out of my own pocket to help YOU, so you can help us in our mission.
I WANT YOU to forever walk with the confidence that you can protect yourself and your family…
I WANT YOU to forever live your life in a condition of relaxed awareness of your surroundings and know that at a moment’s notice you have the knowledge and ability to make the correct decisions and defend yourself if necessary…
I WANT YOU to forever be recognized as the epitome of safe and responsible gun ownership…
I WANT YOU to forever be admired by your family, friends and peers as an expert in the defensive use of firearms…
I WANT YOU to have the SELF RELIANCE that Thomas Jefferson and our Founding Fathers gave everything they had to create for us…
Because I truly want all of this and more for you, I AM GOING TO PUT MY MONEY WHERE MY MOUTH IS TO PROVIDE IT FOR YOU!
That’s right!
I have created a special Front Sight, SELF RELIANCE, Lifetime Membership that will give you and each member of your family EVERYTHING needed to forever live your lives with the utmost confidence; awareness; responsibility; and expertise and I have priced it so even a teenager with a paper route can afford a lifetime of training at Front Sight!
(I am giving this to you well below our costs which takes money right out of my pocket to do so, and I will explain why in just a minute…)
This is a special membership that I created just for you and you will not see it listed on our website.
I am offering this special Front Sight Self Reliance Membership for a limited time only for you and anyone else who believes, as I do, that Front Sight, with its stellar facilities; world class instructional staff; proven curriculum; and hundreds of thousands of expertly trained students can positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes.
I WANT YOU to be a part of the Front Sight Organization so we can positively change the lives of you and your family, and in doing so, you can help us in our mission to positively change the image of gun ownership.
Here is how the Front Sight, Self Reliance, Lifetime Membership works:
The Self Reliance Lifetime Membership is a specifically designed INDIVIDUAL LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP offered in a way that EVERY MEMBER of your family can participate to secure a lifetime of Front Sight’s world class training.
Here’s what each member of your family and all your friends can enjoy with their own, Self Reliance Lifetime Membership:
– Attend these courses Free of Charge as Many Times As You Wish for the Rest of Your Life:
- Two Day, Children/Youth Safety
- Four Day, Challenge and Achievement Camp
- Two Day, Empty Hand Defense
- Two Day, Edged Weapons
- Two Day Defensive Handgun
- Four Day Defensive Handgun
- Two Day Handgun Skill Builder
- One Day, 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit
– Guaranteed Placement in Courses listed above with Two Weeks Advance Notice.
– Invitation to annual July 4th, First Family Reunion Celebration.
– Name etched in First Family Monument.
– Password to access exclusive and restricted First Family areas of web site and e-mail forum.
– First Family Card and First Family Hat.
As you can see from the course offerings, the Self Reliance Lifetime Membership is a perfect choice for family members because your kids can start using it at an early age with the Children/Youth Safety Courses and Challenge Achievement Camp to grow up confident and street smart.
As they get older, they move into the Empty Hand Defense and Edged Weapons courses to gain self defense skills well beyond their years.
At 16, they will be more than ready to begin their handgun courses and secure their own Concealed Weapon Permit in the future.
The Self Reliance Lifetime Membership is perfect for your nieces, nephews, future children and even future grandchildren because you can purchase the Self Reliance Lifetime Membership NOW as “To Be Determined” and assign it at a later date. There is No Expiration on when you can assign the Self Reliance Membership!
This is also the perfect entry level membership for you and your adult friends (and their families) as it gives them the ability to attend our most popular self defense and handgun courses repeatedly.
Now Here’s the Best Part:
Remember I said that I will put my money where my mouth is to provide this amazing membership for you and each of your family members?
Well as you know, the cost of a four day course alone at Front Sight is $2,000 and a Two Day Course is $1,000.
If you were to simply attend each course in your SELF RELIANCE Lifetime Membership just ONCE, the value is over $9,000!
We know you won’t attend each course just once. You will want to attend each course multiple times, especially the Handgun Skill Builder Course every year to continue to improve your balance of speed and accuracy.
We also know what you will be saying to yourself and everyone who will listen back home…
The most common words we hear students say after the FIRST DAY of their FIRST COURSE is “I cannot believe how much I did not know!”
The most common words we hear from students after the SECOND DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I cannot believe how much I am learning!”
The most common words we hear from students after the THIRD DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I can’t wait to bring my family and friends back with me!”
And the most common words we hear from students after the FOURTH DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I can’t believe there is so much more to learn! I’m coming back for every course on my membership and bringing a different gun each time!”
Don’t take our word for it, watch this video and let members who attended courses at Front Sight tell you in their own words…
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To see and hear more Front Sight students click here.
So if you attend each course JUST ONCE you get over $9,000 in value… If you attend each course multiple times with different weapons (which we know you will do as much as possible) the value of your Self Reliance Lifetime Memberships exceeds $50,000!
WHY am I willing to do this for you?
Because each time you return home you will tell everyone you know about what a great time you had at Front Sight and each time you return to Front Sight you will bring another family member or friend with you and help us grow our organization with great word of mouth referrals so we can literally change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes!
So you are going to get $9,000 to over $50,000 of value out of your Front Sight SELF RELIANCE Lifetime Membership and we are going to get a lifetime of your good will, good words, great referrals and preservation of our cherished freedoms! Everyone wins!
So What’s it Going to Cost You?
Front Sight Self Reliance Lifetime Membership
In Three Easy Payment Options
___ 90 monthly credit card payments of $39 for a total cost of $3,510. (I told you even a teenager with a paper route could afford it!)
___ 60 monthly credit card payments of $49 for a total cost of $2,940 (You Save $570!)
___ Single payment of $1,499 (You Save $2,011!) SPECIAL BONUS! If you are among the first 500 people to purchase a Self Reliance Membership with a single payment, I will give you a FREE Bonus, Self Reliance Lifetime Membership! That’s a 2 for 1 Bonus (or $750 per membership!)
I hope you are beginning to understand why my hundreds of thousands of students refer to me as the Millionaire Patriot. I am happy to provide you with this amazing 2 for 1 Bonus but you will have to act fast because over 200,000 people are reading this e-mail as you are and the first 500 memberships will go fast!
So Choose Which Payment Plan You Want And Call My Assistants Jon, Ian or Kendra RIGHT NOW at 1.800.987.7719 to Enroll Over the Phone.
Print out the Rapid Enrollment Form and Fax it Today
Use the Secure On-Line Enrollment Form
Again, I only have a limited number of these special, Front Sight Self Reliance Lifetime Memberships and they will be released on a First Come-First Served basis so do not hesitate to secure yours immediately.
I will be posting a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.
If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:
Again, if you want to take advantage of the Greatest Course, Gun, and CCW Permit Offer in the firearms training industry see this link:
See you next week.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Gun Training,Handgun Training,Interviews,Monday Blog Posts,Self Defense.