Front Sight Mail Bag: Life in Chicago for Law abiding Gun Owners
August 8th, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I think I speak for most Americans in thanking you for your generous efforts to inform, arm and train law abiding citizens to protect themselves against criminals.
Here in Illinois where the Chicago political machine under the command of “King Richard Daley II” rules, we are aggressively pushing for our right to concealed carry and this effort is backed by the Illinois Sheriff’s Assn and all hunting and shooting organizations throughout the state of Illinois and we enlightened residents of Illinois who know that the 2nd Amendment is America’s original “Homeland Security”.
Law abiding Americans wish you continued energy and I dare say “God’s Speed” in your efforts to make our streets,schools and neighborhoods safer than they are today.
Thank You!
Stuart H.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,second amendment,Self Defense.