Here’s a GREAT Gun Facts E-Book Link for All Gun Owners

August 10th, 2009  

Check out this link for a free PDF of absolutely great gun facts that every gun owner should know.

I do not benefit at all from directing you to this link and the information can be read right off your computer screen at no cost.

Gun Facts is a great resource for anyone interested in logically debating the gun issues. You will be quite impressed, as I was, when you read this very complete, well written, and free e-book.

I will be posting a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.

If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:

Again, if you want to take advantage of the Greatest Course, Gun, and CCW Permit Offer in the firearms training industry see this link:

See you next week.

Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute

Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Monday Blog Posts,second amendment.

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