Response from Fellow Patriot
August 27th, 2009
Dr. Ignatius,
I scarcely have the words to express my gratitude to you for your correspondence about responsible gun ownership. I have found the many e-mails I have received both informative and, unfortunately, very necessary in these times.
Patriots like yourself have always been the backbone of a strong and independent republic. I am honored to count myself among you.
The founding fathers, in there infinite wisdom, knew that there would come a time in this country when quasi-intellectuals would come to the belief that firearms would be considered antiquated and dangerous to that safety of the masses.
We believe that firearms can be your best defense against tyranny, against injury or death to you or your family or simply as a way for people to enjoy recreation in the great outdoors.
I have been fortunate to have been hunting and shooting with my father and uncles since I could hold a gun.
My father is a veteran and at a young age he instilled in me a reverence for such a powerful thing as a weapon, It is a lesson I never forgot. I am glad to see so much similarity between his teaching and yours.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Robert W.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training,second amendment,Self Defense.