Planning a Concealed Carry Course – Very Impressive Free Gun Training Reports
September 3rd, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza:
Although I have had years of weapons training in the military (I actually attended the military’s small arms weapons course which basically teaches detailed stripping and proper maintenance of small arms), I do not ever recall getting anything beyond the basic range qualifying training. I am also a former Special Operations (SF A-Team member with the Delta Mike Force) having spent two tours of combat in Vietnam, sustaining multiple gunshot wounds in both legs, and my point is even with SF weapons training, I do not recall ever receiving the training that is reflected in your program reports. As an aside, most of my SF weapons training was with heavy weapons, with small weapons and demolitions as a secondary qualification.
In the early to mid-1960s, I received Ranger training and am also trained as a Jungle Expert. I am also a former Special Agent with the US Army’s Criminal Investigation Agency and had the responsibility for the protecting of all US Cabinet officials and foreign dignitaries, back in the 1960s and 70s. I guess I can say that, based on your training reports, we were very lucky that we did not have a major incident or I don’t think that we would have really been prepared to handle it.
It is my intent to attend your four day course which concludes with the Concealed Carry Permit in the 30 states. That is my goal in addition to being more prepared to handle handguns in a most proficient manner because, as I see it, in the real world of civilian gang combat attacks, that level is significantly different than anything of a military combat related situation in that most of the tactical operations were with rifles. Also, it has been many years since I’ve had the occasion to use a handgun because the laws of the various states relating to CCW permits are not conducive to the law abiding citizen. I own a .357 Magnum which I keep in my home. Here in Orange County, CA, our new sheriff happens to be a female, and her very first action was to revoke about 90% of all the CCW permits previously issued. I very seriously question exactly what that accomplished, except to make the “bad boys” happy.
I just wanted to let you know that I do read the material you have provided and I also appreciate the information. I intend to wait until the winter months for training as I do not like the hot Nevada desert weather in the summer months.
Thank you for providing the very helpful information and I look forward to your course in the late fall or early winter months.
John R.
Retired Mike Force & SOAR Member
Entry Filed under: Front Sight.