Hunting with a Handgun
September 24th, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I appreciate your offers, and do keep them coming, but I am of extremely modest means as well as being unemployed just now.
I clearly understand the need to be trained for self defense as well as defense of family if the need should ever arise, but I am unable to take advantage of your offers at this time however much I would like to.
I have hunted with a handgun successfully and would like to be properly taught in theĀ tactics necessary to protect my family if the need arose but I no longer have a handgun, though I do have a NYS pistol permit.
Keep the offers of memberships and/or course offers coming though, in case in the future I’m able to afford one as well as air fare out there to your excellent facility.
You provide an excellent service to those who can partake of it, which enriches their lives and prepares them for situations which may become all-to-common in the future.
Thank you and God Bless you.
Yours truly,
Paul D.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Gun Training.