Never Protested Before
September 24th, 2009
Dr. Piazza,
My Daughter went … and she said there were many more than reported, AND, there was no trash all over, except where the trash cans were over filled. They were an exceptional crowd, and what an insult that the White House wants to belittle or ignore these AMERICANS.
She is in the pink shirt … the first time she ever demonstrated for ANYTHING … a straight A student, and has a Master’s Degree from William and Mary in Williamsburg. The gent is a fellow she met on the train there … and she felt safer walking with a man … since she was alone.
I wanted to go, but didn’t think I could physically do it. I was SO PROUD of her and her efforts. She was a part of HISTORY for certain. They have more pictures, but I haven’t gotten them yet, the gent with her promised to send her copies of more than 400 pictures.
Mary Ann B.
Another Response:
Dr. Piazza,
Actually there were about 2 1/2 million of us there, plus buses that the police would not let un load, plus the buses that closed the x-way down, trying to get into Washington. There were also 200 other tea parties in 48 other states, at the same time… We the people have had enough of this garbage… We want our country back.
Ed B.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,second amendment.