‘Greatest Firearms Training Program’ per seasoned shooter
October 2nd, 2009
Dear Dr. Piazza,
Front Sight is the absolute greatest firearms training program I have ever been too.
Thank you so much for setting this up for the benefit of all that are able to make a true commitment to learning the proper and best way to handle firearms and stay safe while protecting themselves and their loved ones.
William M.
P.S. I have 35 Handguns registered in the state of New York: Sig, Kimber, GlockĀ and Colt Gold Cups etc. The XD I got from you is now my favorite. Can’t wait till it arrives so I can carry what I have been trained with. I lost people I knew on 9/11/01. It was fitting to start such important training on that day. God bless you and America.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training,Self Defense.