Front Sight Students Write in About ‘You Will Not Believe This’
October 6th, 2009
Walt P wrote in to Rush Limbaugh’s program:
I’m a long time conservative listener and really enjoy your programs and information. My formerly liberal-leaning wife is also now a rabid listener as are most of my five children.
Just for your consideration – I took the four day course at Front Sight last August and really had my eyes opened. The course consists of as much class work as actual firing (and we did plenty of that). The class work consisted of discussions of the legal and moral implications of owning and using a handgun. They taught us that the best “gunfight” is no gunfight and the circumstances when use of a firearm is and is not a solution. I came away from the course a much smarter gun owner.
I saw on Ignatius Piazza’s blog that he tried to advertise with you, but your network didn’t allow him say the word ‘gun’ in his advertisements. He writes about it here:
I guess that I’m just surprised and disappointed that Premiere Radio said “No!” to his ad.
Walt P.
Dr Piazza,
I wanted you to know that I did write both Rush and Sean an email today. I am a fan of both shows, though I don’t listen to Beck. I am disappointed that they didn’t want to get paid to spread the word of responsible gun ownership and the right to protect one’s self.
I have not been to a course as of yet, but like what I see. I would like to attend the 5 day handgun course at some point. I am a CCW holder in AZ, a Marine as well as a former LEO.
Thanks for what you and your staff do.
Michael W.
Hello Dr. Piazza,
I must start off by saying that I attended the Front Sight 4 Day Defensive Handgun course a few weeks ago (9/11 – 9/14) and I am so impressed with the quality of the course, the professionalism of the Instructors and how much better I am as a shooter today then before I attended Front Sight. I have written your praises on a number of Gun forums and tell anyone that is interested how excellent Front Sight is. I will continue to do so, as Front Sight is amazing.
All that said, I have read the attached email regarding the “Conservative” Premier Radio Network’s refusal to air the Front Sight advertisement. As you can see the issue we face is not only from the Liberal side of things, but from the Conservatives, as well. The Second Amendment is an American right, not only for Conservatives, but for all Americans. The premise that Gun rights are supported only by Conservatives is a false premise. There are many Liberals and/or Democrats who support the Second Amendment….I know because I am one. I am not unique, in that regard, and I believe many of the more left of center Americans do not shout the praises of the Second Amendment because as a country we have become so polarized that we now must be either Right or Left extremes. Many tend to forget that we are all Americans and, as such, entitled to have a variety of opinions that do not, necessarily fall into one camp or the other. Gun rights are not mutually exclusive to Right or Conservative values!
I think most voters in the two political parties are philosophically and ethically closer to each other than most people think or believe, but their differences are deliberately magnified by a press that thrives on conflict and screaming matches, demagogues on both sides who care more about selling books than improving intelligent discourse, and politicians who would rather froth about our differences than seek similarities in hopes of getting re-elected, as well as keeping our focus away from serious problems that are in neither party’s vested interests to solve.
To that end, the Premier Radio Network, is (as you say) not walking the walk, but only interested in ratings and not REALLY in support of the Second Amendment, for all Americans, as they may profess.
Thank you and keep up the great work you do.
F.G. Cohen
These students wrote in about Dr Ignatius Piazza’s post ‘You Will Not Believe This’ – regarding Premiere Radio Network’s refusal of Front Sight’s ad for the use of the words “Free Gun”.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,second amendment.