Shooting Ability at an All Time High
October 11th, 2009
Dr. Piazza
First of all let me tell you that a doctor friend of mine told me many years ago that in his opinion the only people worthy of the title Doctor are those who teach; I’m very comfortable addressing you as Doctor (one who teaches).
I am retired on Social Security, living in Colorado and will never be able to come to Front Sight but what you have made available with your website has been invaluable to me. I have forwarded the information to others and it is their responsibility to follow-up.
From age 21 to 25 I drove a black and white; 25 to 26 I was a detective.
Back in those days (starting in 1964) we didn’t receive much training with firearms or driving; they “sort of looked for kids with some street smarts.”
Several years later, I got involved with an instructor who taught point and shoot; I actually got pretty good at it.
With your help and instruction of how to properly use sights, dry practice and trigger control, my personal confidence and shooting ability is at an all time high (finally at age 66).
This little history is simply to say THANK YOU.
With Respect,
Ken P.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Gun Training.