Ignatius Piazza: Record Breaking Weekend = Bonus Pocket Pistol for You…
November 9th, 2009
Something happened at Front Sight that has never happened before.
On Friday, November 6, 2009 Front Sight had 673 people arriving to attend our training. This is not only a record breaking weekend for Front Sight, this is a record for the firearms training industry!
This has never before happened any where in the world!
As you read this, those 673 people are being treated to a positively life-changing experience with all the personal attention needed, by the world’s greatest firearms training instructional staff.
(One of the 673 has already responded to this e-mail from his BlackBerry. Here is what he said: “Dr. Piazza, That’s awesome. I represent 7 of those people that are here right now. We are amazed with the detail and quality of training. I am a Pastor and want everyone I know to get involved at Front Sight! Thanks so much. Chuck Hickman. Soteria Church”)
To celebrate this historic, record breaking event, I am going to provide you with an equally historic and record breaking “THANK YOU” for your support.
Before I do, please understand why I am so pleased and proud of this day.
Never before have so many responsible, law-abiding citizens convened over four days to receive a comfort of skill at arms that exceeds 99.9% of all gun owners!
Front Sight routinely trains 400-500 students every weekend, but we are now moving into a new, record breaking era in our ability to positively change the image of gun ownership!
This means we are making even greater impact EVERY WEEK in our efforts to restore the teeth of the Second Amendment by training you, your family and friends to levels of expertise that surpass law enforcement and military standards without any boot camp mentality or drill instructor attitudes.
I want to thank you for your support in helping us grow so dramatically each year.
I know you forward my e-mails and blogs to your friends. I know you share your Front Sight Experience with others and I want to thank you for your support in a record breaking fashion too!
Here is what I mean:
I want you to become one of us. I want you to become a Front Sight Lifetime Member and I am going to give you a special opportunity to do so with a unique membership that has never been offered before and I am going to give you a BONUS, if you act fast, that will absolutely floor you!
So here is my record breaking “thank you” for helping Front Sight break attendance records:
I call it our Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership. (You will understand why when you see the Rapid Response Bonus!)
Here is what you get with a Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership:
- Attend the following courses Free of Charge and As Many Times As You Wish: Two Day Defensive Handgun; Four Day Defensive Handgun; One Day 30 State CCW Course
- Guaranteed Placement in Free of Charge Courses listed above with Two Weeks Advance Notice.
- Invitation to annual First Family Reunion Celebration.
- Name etched in First Family Monument.
- Password to access exclusive and restricted First Family areas of web site and e-mail forum.
- First Family Card and First Family Hat.
Why would you want an opportunity to attend the Two Day Defensive Handgun, Four Day Defensive Handgun, and One Day 30 State CCW multiple times, as many times as you wish, for the rest of your life?
Here’s Why…
The most common words we hear students say after the FIRST DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I cannot believe how much I did not know!”
The most common words we hear from students after the SECOND DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I cannot believe how much I am learning!”
The most common words we hear from students after the THIRD DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I can’t wait to bring my family and friends back with me!”
And the most common words we hear from students after the FOURTH DAY of their FIRST COURSE is, “I can’t believe there is so much more to learn! I’m coming back for more courses on my membership and bringing a different gun each time!”
Don’t take our word for it, click on our testimonial link and let members who recently attended courses at Front Sight tell you in their own words…
So if you attend each course JUST ONCE (which we know you won’t) you get $3,500 in value… If you attend each course multiple times with different weapons (which we know you will do as much as possible) the value of your Pocket Pistol Lifetime Memberships exceeds $25,000!
Why does this work for us? Because each time you return home you will tell everyone you know about what a great time you had at Front Sight and each time you return to Front Sight you will bring another family member or friend with you and help us grow our organization with great word of mouth referrals!
So you are going to get $3,500 to over $25,000 of value out of your Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership and we are going to get a lifetime of your good will, good words and great referrals! Everyone wins!
So What’s it Going to Cost?
Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership is only $995.00
THAT’S RIGHT! Only $995.
I told you this was a record breaking “THANK YOU” to celebrate your support for helping Front Sight grow and prosper to record levels.
And if you think the Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership for only $995 is unbelievable, then brace yourself for an even more unbelievable BONUS if you are among the FIRST 500 to call 1.800.987.7719 and say, “Sign me up for the Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership!”
Yes, I’m going to give you a pocket pistol! Not just any pocket pistol… not some cheap pot metal pocket pistol…
I’m giving you a pocket pistol you can bet your life on… A Kel Tec PF-9mm Pocket Pistol with hard chrome finish!
The KelTec PF-9 is the lightest and flattest 9mm ever made!
So please accept my thanks for your support in helping Front Sight grow and succeed! Call my office assistants, Jon, Kendra or Ian right now to be among the FIRST 500 to get a FREE Kel Tec PF-9 9mm Pistol with hard chrome finish when you secure your Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership.
Jon, Kendra, or Ian are in the office 7 days per week between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm PST, but you won’t have 7 days before the first 500 pocket pistols are gone SO CALL IMMEDIATELY to make sure you are among the FIRST 500.
Once you call Jon, Kendra, or Ian to enroll, we will send your Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership to you via Priority Mail so you can begin attending courses immediately or at any time in the future.
When you attend your first course, your brand new Kel Tec PF-9 pistol will be waiting for you in our Pro Shop. After your course, you can then make arrangements to have your new gun shipped to your local Federal Firearms License Dealer to transfer into your name.
If you would like to receive your gun, gear and bonuses before attending your first course with us, then you simply have your FFL Dealer mail our pro shop a signed copy of his FFL License and make arrangements with the Pro Shop to ship your Kel Tec PF-9 9mm Pistol with hard chrome finish to your gun dealer for transfer into your name. Very simple and straight forward!
Again, here is what you get in my record breaking thank you for helping Front Sight grow and prosper in record breaking fashion:
Your Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership provides the following benefits:
- Attend the following courses Free of Charge and As Many Times As You Wish: Two Day Defensive Handgun; Four Day Defensive Handgun; One Day 30 State CCW Course
- Guaranteed Placement in Free of Charge Courses listed above with Two Weeks Advance Notice.
- Invitation to annual First Family Reunion Celebration.
- Name etched in First Family Monument.
- Password to access exclusive and restricted First Family areas of web site and e-mail forum.
- First Family Card and First Family Hat.
All for a single payment of only $995. THAT’S RIGHT! Only $995.
And if you are among the FIRST 500 to call 1.800.987.7719 and say, “Sign me up for the Front Sight Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership!” I will give you a Kel Tec PF-9mm Pocket Pistol with hard chrome finish!
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Call 1.800.987.7719 right now!
Why the urgency to call now? Because, over 250,000 of my loyal subscribers are receiving this offer as you are reading it so do not delay or you will miss your chance for a lifetime of training for only $995 and a free Kel Tec PF-9mm Pocket Pistol with hard chrome finish!
And after you have secured your Pocket Pistol Lifetime Membership and Free Kel Tec PF-9mm Pocket Pistol with hard chrome finish, forward this e-mail to your family and friends so they can get one too!
I look forward to seeing you as a Front Sight!
Thanks again for your support.
I will be posting a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.
If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:
If you want to take advantage of the Greatest Course, Gun, and CCW Permit Offer in the firearms training industry see this link:
See you next week.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
P.O. Box 2619
Aptos, CA 95001
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Monday Blog Posts.