Response to gang banger attack video
February 8th, 2010
Dr. Piazza,
I just finished watching your Monday blog with the gang banger attack video. I grew up in Washington DC and people like that guy are why I moved out. After serving in the Army with the First Cavalry Division at FT Hood in Texas I was medically discharged after a training accident where I injured my back. I moved to Virginia with my wife and two kids because DC is too violent and does not allow concealed carry. I hope to attend your school as a lifetime member when I can afford it. I am waiting for the Veterans Administration to approve my disability payment after the back surgery I had there ended up doing more harm than good and my wife was laid off 6 months ago when her company closed. Thanks for your continued efforts to promote second ammendment rights and personal safety through skill at arms. I carry a Glock model 30 in .45 caliber to protect my wife, kids and neighbors but I know I need some training to be effective.
Thanks again, John R.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.