Front Sight Mail Bag: Recommending Front Sight
February 11th, 2010
Dr. Piazza,
This letter is long overdue. I have been an avid reader of your blogs and training reports for some time and have been blessed by both learning from them and a sense of brotherhood. I often feel alone in my belief in our God given rights that have been encroached upon and outright trampled for years. I appreciate your eloquent expression of your belief in the inalienable rights of all, and our responsibilty to protect them from those who would take them away. I work dilligently at educating as many as possible what it means to live free and be personally responsible as well as our need to stand opposed to all who would dismantle our beloved Republic and the Constitution that set up the Rule of Law to protect our individual freedom..
I have assisted many in choosing weapons for home and personal defense and in obtaining carry permits. Even though I have yet to be at Front Sight, I recommend you to them all, and am saving toward purchasing a lifetime membership for my wife and myself. We are also discussing saving enough to move nearby, not only to participate in the courses regularly, but eventually qualify as an instructor. I know that working with you would be a great service to God, Country, and the generations to come. Hopefully I don”t sound melodramatic, but as serious as what the UN is trying to do to us, we face a much greater enemy here within our own shores.
I look forward to meeting you someday soon. Please let us know how we can best assist you and be praying for you and yours.
Love and Liberty,
Shawn P.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training,Self Defense.