Front Sight Mail Bag: Caring about Gun Rights and Gun Advocacy
February 24th, 2010
Dr. Piazza,
Thanks for putting so much care for others in your reports!
I especially appreciated #20. My two sons ages 7 and 5 mean the world to me and I have trouble even reading about tragedies that involve children. I plan on attending your school later this year when things settle down in my schedule and take advantage of the benefits of my lifetime membership. I’ve been around guns most of my life and won awards as a child in shooting competitions, but I do not own a gun or have any permits.
Occasionally, I will go to the gun range with my father who owns several guns and this is something I would like to include my sons in when they are old enough and mature enough.
Thanks again,
Rick E.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,second amendment.