Front Sight Mail Bag: Becoming Confident and Confortable with a Weapon
February 28th, 2010
Hi Dr Piazza,
My wife and I took you millionaire patriot offer and attended your course this past November. It was great, and it was a wonderful sight to see so many people learning to be comfortable and confident in defending themselves. My wife’s 9mm XD is a little big for her to carry all the time, so yesterday I bought her a Kel Tel P-11 for her birthday. We shot a friend’s PF-9 and P-11 Saturday for her to be sure she would carry it — ALL THE TIME! It’s no good in a purse or your car, and I wanted it ON her. She agrees 100%.
I talked to the gun shop owner and he said the buying frenzy was over from last year, but people are packing the ranges learning to use their weapons, and we both agreed that that was a great thing to see. The shop owner was the first local person we worked with in preparing for your course, and although very busy and seemingly gruff, when we mentioned we were heading you’re way and needed an FFL dealer, he dropped what he was doing and spent an hour with us and had us on the range shooting with different caliber weapons to help us make our selection from your offer. He was aware of your training reputation and he knew we were serious.
So, thanks for trying to continue your offer. People are using it, and when my wife was shooting Saturday my two coworkers were amazed at her ability and willingness to step up to the firing line and put good shoots downrange!
Thanks again and best regards,
Dan and Robin F.
Entry Filed under: Front Sight,Gun Training.